Thursday 14 July 2011

Sand Sculptures

On Monday evening we went to the beach for the first time. The sea wasv quite cold when we first went in but we soon got used to it. However we were only allowed to go up to our knees but several waves soaked me up to my waiste. After a little paddle we made some sand sculptures. the picture above is the one I made. It is a seagull. I put stones on the wings to look like feathers and seaweed on the tail to add more detail. It didn't take long to make but was really fun.



  1. Whereabouts was the Grand Old Duke of York, and his 10,000 men - all seemed a bit quiet up that hill? Enjoy the disco - shake that bootie.....xx

  2. the weather looks fantastic! your faces have been beaming all the time!
    what a great week. its been very exciting here too!! not!
    x love Daddy, Jamesy and Hugo. ps James has lots of yellow feet!

  3. Is Allum Bay the same place as Alum Bay? The weather looks amazing so it can't be. Are you really all in the Isle of Wight and not the Tropics? What a wonderful, cheerful, beautiful film from you all, thank you. Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow and Eleanor will be a year older, WOW! Love from Emma xx

  4. How blue is the sky? It does sound windy tho! Looks like you've all had a fantastic time, look forward to seeing you this avo, Moorsey senior x
